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Re: Star Blazers FT

From: Mikko Kurki-Suonio <maxxon@s...>
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 14:33:03 -0500
Subject: Re: Star Blazers FT

On Tue, 25 Mar 1997, Christopher Weuve wrote:

> IIRC, an old issue of The Space Gamer had a Starblazers game.  I'll
try to dig 
> it out sometime in the next couple of days and see if there is
> interesting in it.

I have it. #80 from Oct/Nov 87.

Personally I hate energy allocation games, but I guess you could remove 
that aspect... It's made by Twentieth Century Imports, who incidentally 
also sold the minis back then.

Not too good research either. The game has fighter types F-15, F-5 and
A-10... Starblazers/Yamato fighters did have names too... Pretty simple
though, 4 pages of rules and 5 charts, plus 4 turning templates and one
fire arc template. And complex SSD's for all ships, with a point system
no-one cares to explain. 

-- (Mikko Kurki-Suonio) 	  | A pig who doesn't
+358 50 5596411 GSM +358 9 80926 78/FAX 81/Voice  | is just an ordinary
Maininkitie 8A8 02320 ESPOO FINLAND | Hate me?	  |	     - Porco
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