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Re: Real Thrust Discussion

From: Robert Hendricks <RHENDRICKS@n...>
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 1997 13:34:26 -0500
Subject: Re: Real Thrust Discussion

Robert C. Hendricks

>>> <> 03/21/97 03:03PM >>>
Daryl wrote:

> I'd really be interested in seeing how "Real Thrust" missiles work. 
>  You could give them a thrust of 12-18 but only allow up to two 
> points of "rotation thrust" (through whatever mechanism you're 
 > using).
 >This got me thinking of having a pool of trust points a missile can
 >It would take some more paperwork than before but the missiles could
>be played as high
speed short range or slower speed long range, as they >are in the Honor
 >For example off the top of my head, each missile has a pool of 30
 >points it can use in its lifetime.  Each turn at least 5 but up to 15 
 >points can be used for acceleration and up to 2 points used for 
 >maneuvering.	Thus the missile can increase speed up to 30 in 2 turns
>and then it will
not be able to maneuver and will soon zoom off of the play 
>area.	Or it could use only 5 points for acceleration each turn and
>still be able to maneuver at the target 5 turns later.

I think this is an excellent idea and plan to play test it as soon as

>Some type of sliding scale could be used so slow acceleration uses
>fewer thrust points
per point of acceleration than fast acceleration.
 >This would slow things down if numerous missiles are in use but I
think it 
 >is an interesting variant in a "Real Thrust" universe.
 >Dean Gundberg

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