Re: DS II models from Geo-Hex
From: "Authorized User" <JKinder@p...>
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 1997 23:26:49 -0500
Subject: Re: DS II models from Geo-Hex
Jon T. (GZG) said:
PS: to answer an earlier post, yes, the new Sa'Vasku ships are ours; the
masters will be coming over to the US very shortly (along with our new
1/300 minis), so you'll just have to start pestering GeoHex in a while
see when they're going to be out....:)
I would really like to see more Future Wars models from GZG make it to
side of the Atlantic. I have the 1992 GZG calalog and it lists several
types of APC's and MIVC's not produced by Geo-Hex and I'd bet that the
1/300 line has increased since '92. Geo-Hex does have a wide variety of
battle tanks and specialty vehicles but is limited in infantry vehicles.
I've bought enough of their vehicles to have a reinforced battalion
unit but I can't see buying the tanks to start an opposing unit from
Geo-Hex unless I can equip them with different infantry vehicles.
Does Full Thrust and its miniatures line sell better than
Dirtside and its
miniature line in the States? The ship miniatures line seems to cover
same range as in England, why can't the 1/300 vehicle range? Just
John Kinder
"Never wish an infantryman a good day"
Charles Schultz