RE: Dirtside II
From: Paul Calvi <tanker@r...>
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 22:22:47 -0500
Subject: RE: Dirtside II
<<<1. How many of you out there play Dirtside II ?>>>
Well I do.
<<<2. What exactly would you want from a program like this ?>>>
My main desire would be for it to track unit positions on a map to
facilitate email play.
<<<3. Do any of you use customized weaponry on your vehicles ?>>>
4. If so what are the stats for these weapons ?
<<<5. Would you want to be able to customize certain aspects of the
rules ?>>>
I like laying "straight".
6. If so what aspects would you alter ?
7. What exactly is an Infantry Walker and how many points does it
cost ?
8. RSW air cushion vehicles have the same size/power limits as GEV's
is this slow or fast GEV's ?
<<<9. How many of you use modularised vehicles ?>>>
Nope. I play Ogre for those.
<<<10. How many use oversized vehicles ?>>>