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Re: Battlerider Mini Suggestions

From: "Authorized User" <JKinder@p...>
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 1997 23:22:59 -0500
Subject: Re: Battlerider Mini Suggestions

	Greetings all,
	My answer to Mark's question is the RAFM Traveller starship
line. I bought
an Aurora class clipper out of the bargain bin at my local hobby store
yesterday. It is an engine module with a long spine connecting to a
module. I think it would make a perfect SDB or battlerider tender. I
to use it with my Traveller scoutship mini's that I use for 18 mass

John Kinder

"Never wish an infantryman a good day"
Charles Schultz

> From: <Mark Andrew Siefert> <>
> To: Full Thrust Mailing List <>
> Subject: Battlerider Mini Suggestions
> Date: Tuesday, March 18, 1997 8:32 AM
> Hello Everyone:
>	After my long expected B5 game next week, we are going back to 
> the good old "normal" Full Thrust.  I finally got to sit down with my 
> playgroup and help work out some house rules (nothing written down
> but one of the rulings we have made are that their can be non-FTL
> only if they are brought in by a tender.
>	As I plan my fleet for the next normal FT game (I always get my 
> fleets put together a couple of weeks in advance.), I've decided to
> this ruling to good use and I'm including some "battleriders" into my 
> fleet (MASS 20, Thrust 6, 3 A batts, 1 pluse torp, 1 PDAF, level 1 
> armor).   After looking through my collection of minis, I can't find 
> anything that really satisfies my needs.  This means one thing:  BUY

> MINIS.  However, I'm not quite sure what to get.  Any suggestions?  
> Later,
> Mark A. Siefert
> E-MAIL:		  WWW:

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