Re: Space Ship Minis Wish List
From: Aaron P Teske <Mithramuse+@C...>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 1997 16:10:37 -0500
Subject: Re: Space Ship Minis Wish List
Excerpts from FT: 18-Mar-97 Re: Space Ship Minis Wish List by Binhan
> On Tue, 18 Mar 1997, Aaron P Teske wrote:
> > > I don't have ANY, and want more!!!
> >
> > Sorry guys, I just can't resist...
> >
> Actually the ships are availabe from GW, just not as whole units. You
> can order whatever want as spare parts. You need to have a
> catalog and know what pieces go to what, but apparently you can
> any ship from their spare parts stock. They are not listed in the
> catalog however.
The trouble with ordering from GWUK is that they recently re-did their
pricing scheme, and things got *expensive*. All Space Fleet Battleships
(this includes Emperors, Gothics, Wraithships, etc.) are $10 each. Not
much of a price increase for the Emperor, but all the others bounced up
$2-3.... The cruisers (Thunderbolt, Firestorm, Shadowhunter) are 2/$10,
and the little ships (Cobra DDs, Escorts) are 5/$10. This hurts.
Unfortunately, it is rather hard to find these ships in the States, or
anywhere else for that matter.
(Though if anyone wants some Dictator Battleships, I have a few
Excerpts from FT: 18-Mar-97 Re: Space Ship Minis Wish List by
>Where in the states do you guys find these ships. The 3 local hobby
>can't/won't get them so I'm forced to look elsewhere.
Can't get them, most likely.
>So, Where can I find
>them and do they have phone numbers.
GWUK's phone number is 01144-1773-713213; I am not presently aware of
any hobby stores in the USA that have Space Fleet minis. I do seem to
recall someone in Australia saying there were some in their store when I
asked after them on the EPIC mailing list, but I haven't been able to
find... Ah-HA! If you're really interested, try e-mailing
"" and asking about the Space Fleet
minis. There was a pretty good mix of ships (I have the list he sent
me) though one shop was kinda heavy on the Emperors and Goliaths.
Between the two shops there were only four Wraithships, though.
If I get any more offers off my web page, or if anyone tells me where
more ships are available, I'll most likely pass that along -- I've got
enough ships for the moment. ^_^ (Though I could use a few more
Annihilators... maybe a couple more Tyrants... hmm.... ^_- )
Aaron Teske