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Re: Drawing Fire/Screening/Initiative

From: Brian Bell <PDGA6560@c...>
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 13:11:18 -0500
Subject: Re: Drawing Fire/Screening/Initiative

>  This is a more interesting idea.  I think it's a little harsh,
>though.  I might suggest that each time a ship takes any damage, it
>has a chance of losing the use of one fire con for one turn.  Let's
>say, on a 4-6.

My idea was not to disable the fire control but to draw it's fire. I 
agree it would be too harsh if is disabled the fire control.

>  This would mean that three escorts could disable a
>capital ship for a turn, if they got three lucky hits.  On the other
>hand, it might be too stiff a penalty because unless you have level-2
>screens, you can expect damage to come through on a fairly regular
>basis.  But the it might be possible to flesh out the idea into
>something useful.

If you pick on the Capital long enough you will loose the escorts (but 
the convoy might make it to the jump point).

Brian Bell
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