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Re: [OFFICIAL] new ideas!

From: Marshall Grover <mgrover@m...>
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 1997 06:03:12 -0500
Subject: Re: [OFFICIAL] new ideas!

>A simple solution that just came to mind:  
>If the current method of cost deturmination is fine, why not keep it?
>   Cost: Use the current calculation
>   Mass: 5% per engine point  (probably round remainders up)
>  Cost: Use current calculation.
>  Mass: 10% (again probably round remainders up)
>Just a thought.  I could be off's past midnight, and it's
>harder to think straight.
don't have much of a problem with cost except when you build something
twice as big, it does not cost twice as much. The Mass I have a real
problem with. it's the Flat tax theory. a mass 100 ship can afford to
more of it's mass on thrust than a size 10 ship and still be combat
effective. With the formula it's a bit harder, but it eliminates the
superfast ship problem, by making it very mass expensive. you can also
new technologies by increasing or decreasing the divisor to make the
engines more or less efficient:

size 100 speed 5
chemical rockets :   ((100*100)*5)/100 = mass 500
charged particle:	((100*100)*5)/250 = mass 200
Ion engine(FT norm): ((100*100)*5/500 = mass 100
Gravitic drives:     ((100*100)*5/1000) = mass 50

and so on.
 Marshall Grover

"A Jedi's greatest enemy is himself." - Obi-Wan Kenobi

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