Re: [OFFICIAL] new ideas!
From: James Butler <JAMESBUTLER@w...>
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 21:55:32 -0500
Subject: Re: [OFFICIAL] new ideas!
At 02:44 AM 2/26/97 +0000, you wrote:
>> I do think you're on to something here. I've seen systems
like this
>> in the past but I've always had the thought, how do you encourage
players to
>> take engines in systems like these? If you can take wide arc weapons,
>> all the ships degenerate into battle stations that drift closer to
>> other?
>I'm not sure I understand your point, James. How do we stop this in
>any game? Why is this more likely to occur in a descriptive system
>vice a constructive system?
What I mean is that mass provides a penalty for wider arc
(or at least it does the way we play). Without that penalty, I think
would have a nasty tendency to take nothing but three arc weapons. In
IIRC that was why we put in Oerjan Ohlson's construction numbers, to
encourage the use of non-three arc weapon batteries. I was just
wondering if
cost alone, with cost differing only by a few points, is enough to
players to take one-arc weapons.
>> Still, the idea is intriguing. If you have or ever decide to do a
>> Full Thrust ship design optional rule for this, please let me know.
I'd love
>> to try it out.
>I'm sure I will. The problem is how to set the point costs for thrust
>ratings. Low-value ships should be encouraged to have greater thrust
>ratings than high-value ships.
>David Brewer
Perhaps what you need is some sort of sliding scale. Perhaps an
exponential scale might be better. That way, low cost ships would pay
proportionately less for higher thrust than higher cost vessels. That
work to keep people from just building a handful of gigantic superships.
Just a thought,
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[_|_| %%==========(_______)\__/ }C=K@ WWWWWWWWWW/
Main Bridge/ Fuel/ Weapons/ Scanners/
Drive Quarters Jump Drive Ship's Boats Spinal Mount
Battlecruiser INTREPID, CORMORANT-class
Captain James L. Butler III, Commanding