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Re: Star Trek, 1st gen

From: hosford.donald@e... (hosford.donald)
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 02:38:51 -0500
Subject: Re: Star Trek, 1st gen

At 12:46 AM 2/27/97 -0500, you wrote:
>On Thu, 27 Feb 1997, hosford.donald wrote:
>I built the ships (only a couple) based on the SFB design.  I didn't do
>them all of course and the designs are a mix between what fits and what
>they had in SFB.  There only intended as examples based on my own
>and I fully realize that others may see things much differently.  I'll
>post the Fed stuff tomorrow (and maybe the Klingons).
>By the way, I left out part of the Phaser rules.  Each Phaser (of any
>type) can fire to intercept fighter/missiles just as the C-batt can. 
>function does not require a dedicated firecon.  
>Chad Taylor

You may have found the singular methoud to actually improve SFB!  :-) )
I have SFB Volumes 1 and 2.....A helpful hint....when choosing ships to
simulate, try to stick to the main classes (ie:  Cruisers, Destroyers,
Ignore all of the various sub-types, (unless the scenario hinges on a
particular ship...:-))

Donald Hosford

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