C batteries / PDAF
From: Andy Skinner <andy.skinner@t...>
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 14:17:00 -0500
Subject: C batteries / PDAF
Hi. I know many of you will hate this, just thought I'd
throw it out, anyway.
I want to build up in playing Full Thrust. I've started
with really basic ships, no missiles, no fighters. I'll
add stuff as I go on, I guess. There are a lot of
wasted points and mass on ships, even small ones, because
of PDAF, which is irrelevant in the games I intend to
play for a while.
What do you think about, for a simpler version of the game,
just equating C batteries and PDAF? You can only use them
for one or the other in a turn, though.
Maybe ADAF can be used for Cs, but not vice versa.
I know, I could just ignore the wasted space and points
until I get up to using them. I just didn't want to fool
with them. I wanted to design a bit, but I'll either have
to put them in, knowing that they don't do anything, or
give my wife (who would choose ships from the standard list--
she'll play, but not design ships) some extra points to make
up for me not wanting to put them in ships that won't use