Re: [OFFICIAL] new ideas!
From: dbell@z... (David G. Bell)
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 1997 03:46:34 -0500
Subject: Re: [OFFICIAL] new ideas!
In message <> (Ground Zero Games) writes:
> >On Sat, 22 Feb 1997, Chad Taylor wrote:
> >I would be very careful with the design of this system. At the
moment it
> >seems that it is a simple matter to decide what mass of ship is the
> >effective in a given size class. This would effectively give us one
> >class and I am concerned that one mass would stand out (if even only
> >slightly) as the best of all the others.
> The whole problem with the original system seems to be precisely that:
> players maximise their ships to use the biggest available hull size in
> class group, and this is where the problems occur (ie: biggest Escort
> better than smallest Cruiser etc.). Losing the distinction would, I
> believe, actually help to keep things much more balanced.
> >
> >I rather like the current system of having the mass of ships broken
> >into various hull sizes. I would like to see a few more than the
three we
> >have, my preference being at about five-six or so. It allows the
idea of
> >each size class having something that "it" is a little better at
> >than the rest. Besides, having the given names for each hull size
> >great for description purposes (standard names = standard reference).
> >
> The names will still be there, and they'll still refer to the same
> groups - they will all just use the same construction formulae. I
> increasing the number of groupings would simply make the original
> of the break points far worse...
There are a couple of possibilities which I've seen used in the
Traveller ship-design system. First, "standard" hulls which are of
specified size and cost a little less than custom-built hulls which can
be of any size. I'm not sure if that is entirely practical in the
scheme you have in mind.
Second, as used in the High Guard starship design/combat version of the
Traveller system, put a limit on the number of pilots. This could
certainly be appropriate for fighters, if not for the larger ships,
depending on just how you want to visualise the talents used to manouver
a ship in combat.
The second might be a more appropriate limit for a competition than for
general use.
David G. Bell -- Farmer, SF Fan, Filker, Furry, and Punslinger..