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Re: [OFFICIAL] new ideas!

From: jon@g... (Ground Zero Games)
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 1997 13:39:19 -0500
Subject: Re: [OFFICIAL] new ideas!

Re: response from Aaron Teske:

>Two things, then:
>1) I'm wondering how much work it would be to include a "turreting
>or some such, which allows you to mount over different angles.  This
>would probably turn into a royal pain actually, but could make for some
>very interesting ships designs. ^_^  And alternative -- which I do
>rather like -- is to have the standard fore/port/etc. arcs that exist
>now, and a second set which are rotated 45 degrees.  This allows for
>front or side 180 degree fire arcs.

There is no reason why we couldn't use different arcs for different
weapons/mounts, eg: front or side 180 deg. as suggested here and
- but it WILL complicate things  quite a bit; is it worth it, or do we
suggest that players can amend the arcs for their own specific
if they wish? What does everyone else think?

>2) On a rather unrelated note: I like the way you're changing the drive
>system to a portion of the hull, now how much work would it be to put
>some sort of power system?  I'm thinking of the Omegas in B5 here; they
>seem to have a lot of guns which they can't all fire at once.	So you
>can make a central power system or something, which you allocate fire
>for to the various weaponry.  I don't think I'd want to do this for the
>small escorts or anything, but they're not likely to need it -- you
>power all their weapons.  But having a Battleship with lotsa guns and
>alternative torpedo tube or something, which if it wants to fire it
>can't fire some guns, would allow for a lot more tactical flexibility.

With the exception of a few "special" weapons (eg: the Wave Gun with its
charging system) I specifically DON'T want to get into the "power
allocation" idea - IMHO it is one of the the major things that slows
games (SFB?) down to a crawl, with players having to spend ages working
how to allocate their power before each turn. However, I see no problem
having just a few big weapon types that need "charging" in the same way
the Wave Gun.

Thanks for the feedback - keep it coming!

Jon T.
(PS: General note to all of you who are replying to the ideas posted - I
may not get round to commenting on everybody's reply personally, but I
reading them all and taking note of the comments - many thanks.)

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