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RE: Stargaurd Ship Minis?

From: "George,Eugene M" <Eugene.M.George@k...>
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 15:36:36 -0500
Subject: RE: Stargaurd Ship Minis?

I dunno, the illustrations look very retro 50's, maybe I'll pick some up
with my latest order...

Gene George,
F&BS Desktop Support
(818) 564-7949

>From:	"<Mark Andrew Siefert>"[]
>Sent:	Friday, February 21, 1997 11:46 AM
>Cc:	George,Eugene M
>Subject:	Stargaurd Ship Minis?
>	With all this talk about Starguard, I stopped by the Offical WWW
page and
>looked at their minis list.  I noticed that they had starship
>avaiable.  How are they quality wise?	The price seems OK.
>Mark A. Siefert

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