Re: Map Making Software Distribution Win32
From: M Hodgson <mkh100@y...>
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 1997 08:04:52 -0500
Subject: Re: Map Making Software Distribution Win32
I too have had a dabble with the ol ftmap program and after a
of work got it working and producing maps just fine. One thing that is
quite confusing is the header section as windows users can't use the awk
script to merge the files.
I am fortunate in having access to both unix and windows
and eventually worked out that no i did not want HEADER: at the begining
of the first few lines of file. Maybe a merged file would be a gould
example to include in the distibution (there was ment to be, but
Over all though it's great.... All we need now is more pretty pictures
the ships. (Narn and Centauri particuarly).
I am working on a front end program to generate the input script file
windows. Like many of my projects it may never finish, but if it does
I'll let you know :)
I also wonder if any atempt has been made to port ftmap to visual c++ or
similar, thus making it a windows rather than dos application. The only
reason I ask is that the only language I'm any good at is VB which can't
send keystrokes to none windows programs. I am currently learning
c++ so maybe I won't have that problem for long.