Re: Small-timers
From: Matthew Seidl <seidl@v...>
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 20:23:01 -0500
Subject: Re: Small-timers
>>>>> "johncrim" == John Crimmins <> writes:
johncrim> This brings up something else.... I work for a hobby
johncrim> (Jenkintown Hobbies, in Jenkintown PA), and I am the de-facto
head of the SF
johncrim> and Fantasy departments. I would greatly appreciate hearing
about whatever
johncrim> small miniature companies that are out there that I might not
know about--we
johncrim> carry Stan Johansen, Blade, Starguard, Enigma, etc., etc., and
I am always
johncrim> looking for more. Names, addresses, whatever you have, I
would like to hear.
Actually, I'd LOVE to see a list of all the manufacturers with web
If there such a lst easially available?
-=- Matthew L. Seidl email:
=-= Graduate Student Project . . . What Project?
-=- Gamer, Re-Enactor, hecka stressed We're here to make your life
=-= and trying not to be too homesick for the BA -Morrow Quotes