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Re: Amphibious Ships

From: db-ft@w... (David Brewer)
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 01:54:59 -0500
Subject: Re: Amphibious Ships

In message <>
> Any thoughts on my previous proposal on Amphibious ships?

Yes. They seemed a little redundent. Granted that the rules (well,
more like guidelines) as written require a merchent hull, but 
transfering the rules to a military hull is a trivial exercise
(eg. leave some space in hull for troops vice using "cargo").

There seems no need to cripple a military transport by enforcing a
10% maximum for weapons etc. I would say that a rational supership
not designed for pure gameplay (think Star Wars) would likely
contain the odd battalion of troops, and I wouldn't place the 10%
restriction on a super-duper-star-destroyer.

Whether you build your own transports to your guidelines is down
to you.

Also I thought "amphibious" to be a peculier term in this context.

Sorry to sound so negative, but, well, you asked for an opinion,
and that was mine.

David Brewer

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