Starguard figs / Ogres for DII
From: "George,Eugene M" <Eugene.M.George@k...>
Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 18:27:05 -0500
Subject: Starguard figs / Ogres for DII
Hello All !
Has anyone seen or had any dealings with Reviresco Products / John
McEwan. He produces a bunch of miniatures for his Starguard! game. Does
anyone use 'em or have some, what's the quality like ? They're 1/72 so
they'd be suitable for DII, and true 25mm scale. But the webpage for
Reviresco ( ) doesn't really have any
pics of 'em. They DO have a killer field mounted gauss gun and some
snazzy Tanks/APC. Also has anyone played Starguard ?. I'm also looking
for Ral Partha Ogre secondary batteries too, if the structural integrity
of my secondaries is any indication, they should be harder to find than
the Ogres themselves.