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Re: Still Lousy After All These Years

From: Binhan Lin <Binhan.Lin@U...>
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 20:15:39 -0500
Subject: Re: Still Lousy After All These Years

>!owner-ftgzg-l wrote:
> >	Well, I'm bummed.  Last night I had proven my own tactical 
> > incpmpetence regarding FT.	It is FT night at my local game store,
> > since it had been a month since I played a game I decided to go.  I
> > there at 7PM and stayed till about 10:30PM, and in that time frame,
> > found out just how bad I am at this game.
> >	In the end both my destroyers got dusted and my CA and BC died
> > undignified death.	I had to leave early in order to get to bed at a

> > reasonable hour.  I only killed a couple of dinky ships that were 
> > swarming me.  Other than that, I barely scored a point of damage. 
> > the problem isn't with me, but the people I game with.  These people
> > 4000 points and make monster ships that can total my largest ship 
> > (usually a SDN) in a single beam salvo.  (Don't ask me what our
> > player fields!  10 "3" railguns and 15 scatterpacks!)
 It's not your tactics that are wrong, it's the strategy.  It's apparent

that your opponents have decided that mega-ships are the order of the
and have tried to keep it that way.  Since they have banned fighters two

solutions are: micro torpedo boat fleet or massive missile fleet.  It 
sounds as if their designs are built to battle few numbers of mega
throwing a fleet of 100-150 micro torpedoe boats of having a couple of 
dozen missiles slam into a mega hulk can really turn people off mega 
ships.	Most people don't both putting lots of extra fire controls in 
their superships, leaving them vulnerable to swarms of mini-ships since
standard capital ship only has three fire controls.  Secondly, if they 
have banned fignters, no one will have taken ADAF'S OR PDAF'S leaving 
them bare of anti-missile defense.  By using weapons that avoid shields 
you can bypass one of the advantages of superships, beings able to take 
large amounts of damage at low levels until a threshold check is needed,

now oyu can damage them at a rapid pace.  If you average the damage from

a missile (7 points) few ships will be able to stand more than 4 or five

before taking major threshold checks, and with that many systems, it 
won't be pretty.  I suspect that that game after you try this with 
missiles, missles will mysteriosly be banned.


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