RE: DS2: stats for Epic miniatures
From: Andy Skinner <andy.skinner@t...>
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 16:41:00 -0500
Subject: RE: DS2: stats for Epic miniatures
Thanks, Allan.
>>Another example: I haven't yet decided if I want the
>>Land Raider to carry troops. Well, it probably will, but I
>>don't want to make that so just because GW says it does.
>I created both types! When using DS2's vehicle design rules, I found
>you could not give it 4 class 2 lasers and have room left over for
>infantry. Therefore, I created one type of Land Raider with two lasers
>infantry carrying capacity, and another with 4 lasers and no carrying
>capacity. It seems to work well enough.
I think I had two versions, too. I only have two weapons
on it (one on each side, though I suppose those guns are
supposed to represent two barrels), but I have a larger
class weapon with no room for infantry and a smaller
one with room. Do you just decide which it was
going to be before a battle, and tell your opponent at
some point? Did you try to distinguish them?
Except I'll be giving lasers to the advanced aliens,
and I'm really tempted to put DFFGs on the Land Raider.
The close range power seems to fit when I look at the
>Remember to invent new firing arcs for the Land Raider.
Yeah, having both be at 2x for capacity seemed reasonable
to me, and each with 180 degree arc. (Or even 90, depending
on how far those things will swing.)
>>4) Don't follow the recommendation of limiting number of weapons
>>to vehicle size. (Though I'm not sure this rule would come into
>>play very often.)
>This may or may not be useful to follow. I think I did follow it. If
>not that stuck on GW's rulings then you might want to follow this rule.
Although I don't feel a need to stick with GW rulings,
I do want to give all the weapons I see. That was hard
with the smaller Renegade Legion tanks--they're small,
but have a pile of things on their turrets! Although
this was a recommendation, not a strict rule, I suspect
most vehicles will fit.
>>5) Allow breaking of the rule that a vehicle may only have a weapon
>>of vehicle size + 1. If it fits in the capacity, allow it. Though
>>I'd leave it as a guideline. I'm thinking of the vindicator, for
>I threw that ruling out for the Vindicator. The rest of my vehicles
>this rule, though.
The Vindicator is the obvious candidate. I may downgrade
this from a rule to a guideline, and just make a note on
any designs that do this to check with opponents. I may
need to do this with the Warp Hunter.
>I didn't give them extra fire cons. I didn't see this as much of a
>Most of the vehicles only have one main weapon and some infantry
weapons. If
>you do change this rule, remember that the DS2 point system starts to
>deviate more and more from "reality." If you do decide to tinker around
>this, you should remember to take the point system with a larger grain
>salt than usual.
I'm not sure if you're saying you didn't let them shoot
more than one system, or if you did but didn't make
them take more firecons. I've heard of people playing
the latter (I think that's what we did in Steve Gibson's
Origins game a coupla years ago), but buying more firecons
makes a distinction between vehicles that may shoot more
than one weapon a turn and those that can't. It also was
an extension of a current rule (for oversize vehicles).
I'll keep the points in mind. Maybe make a note of how
much the legal vehicle costs, for when I play people that
want to stick with the rules.