RE: Trek conversions
From: Allan Goodall <agoodall@s...>
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 11:02:40 -0500
Subject: RE: Trek conversions
At 09:30 AM 1/29/97 -0500, you wrote:
>West End Games produced a new RPG system in addition to their Starwars
>I think it is called The Master Book System. They produced an Indiana
>Jones module, and a horror module (don't remember the name of it -- not
>interested in that stuff anyway.) I haven't heard anything from that
Oh, wait a minute. That's right! My apologies to the original poster. I
remember this now.
> What I want to know is should I run out now and order FT/MT, or wait
>FT3....I won't have the money to do both. When is FT3 supposed to come
>If the wait is going to be a long one, I will buy FT/MT now....I am
>impressed with this game....I "assembled" a crude version, and tried it
>my friend. Speedy play, easy control of your ships. I want to see the
>of the game!!!
I don't know when it will be out. I suggest buying FT/MT right now if
plan to play it right away. If you are going to spend a couple of months
painting ships first, I'd suggest waiting until after the painting is
Maybe someone else has a better idea of when FT3 will be out.
Allan Goodall:
"You'll want to hear about my new obsession.
I'm riding high upon a deep depression.
I'm only happy when it rains." - Garbage