Re: Superior Models, Inc
From: John Lerchey <lerchey+@C...>
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 10:25:18 -0500
Subject: Re: Superior Models, Inc
First, please forgive any errors.. all of my info is from my memory... I
lost my copies of these rules years ago...
While these rules were relatively simple, there were NO tactics involved
beyond power allocation and learning to pile on firepower. Weapons did
not have fire arcs, and for practical purposes, there really weren't
much in the way of racial differences beyond the cosmetic.
Excerpts from internet.listserv.ftgzg-l: 11-Jan-97 Re: Superior Models,
Inc hosford.donald@email.acd (2677*)
> From reading book 2, I was able to discover many things about the
game. I
> didn't know it had the "free" manuevering. But something I allways
> to know, What was the power allocation requirements for the Partical
> weapons, tractor beams, and the CIDS? I have reexamined the examples
> times. I know the defencive and offencive factors you square the no.
> factors to get the Power factors... Just curious...
Each ship was able to generate power based on it's size (class
normally). Systems used power based on a square of the factor. Thus,
to move the ship at a factor of 3 (I think each factor generated 3
inches of speed), you'd allocate 3(squared) or 9 power points. To power
up an Attack Factor of 9, you needed 81 power points and 9 points of
Defense Factors would also require 81 power. Most ships were unable to
generate enough power to move at top speed (factor 9 I think) and still
allocate full power to both shields and beam weapons.
I don't remember the power allocations for the particle beams, but
tractor beams were squared factors (again). CIDS didn't require power
allocations, but were instead based on the size of the ship, and got
knocked out when the ship was damaged. Each CIDS provided some smallish
die roll to knock out incoming missiles (CAPTACs) or fighters. I don't
remember whether the number of rolls allowed or the % to kill were
reduced from damage...
> >
> > I do have a question on some of the ships If anyone else has this
> > The last two ships I received information on were new Galactic
> > Dreadnoughts (the size below the SGD) the Terran Valiant and the
> > Jaguar(?). The Valiant was triangular like a Star Wars Star
Destroyer as
> > all other terran ships but where the SD's bridge would be, there was
> > second trapezoidal hull about a 1/3 the size of the main hull on
> > more weapons were mounted on top. The Jaguar also has a secondary
> > mounted above the main hull in the same fashion.
> >
> > What are the SFW stats on these ships? Can anyone help me? I
> > been wondering this for over 10 years!
> >
The new dreadnaughts were given +10% on all systems. Thus, they had
+10% power allocation, +10% to AF and DF, etc.
John K. Lerchey
Computing Services
Carnegie Mellon University
_/_/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/ _/ Any similarity between my
_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ opinions and those of anyone
_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ with power, authority or a decent
_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/ spell checker is purely coincidental.