Prev: Re: Other Sci-Fi Genres (Was Re: FMA Fantasy etc.) Next: Re: Babylon 5 and Full Thrust 3

Re: (North) American games...

From: mllaneza@s... (Michael Carter Llaneza)
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 1996 20:37:06 -0500
Subject: Re: (North) American games...

At 3:44 PM 12/13/96, Rukesh Korde wrote:> >

> This reminds me of a joke:
> Q:  How many Centauri does it take to change a light bulb?
> A: Just one.	But in the grand old days of the Republic, 10,000
>    would have leaped to change a thousand light bulbs at our slightest
>    whim.

Q: How many Markab does it take to change a lightbulb

A: Both of them

Michael Carter Llaneza
Veteran, Bermuda Triangle Expeditionary Force, 1991-1950
Devolution is very real to me.

Processor	     Clock Speed       Bytemark Integer Benchmarks
Pentium 	       90 mHz			      1.0
Pentium 	      200 mHz			      2.1
PowerPC 603e	      117 mHz			      2.2
Pentium Pro	      200 mHz			      2.8
PowerPC 603e	      200 mHz			      3.8
PowerPC 604e	      200 mHz			      4.5

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