Full Metal Anorak
From: db-ft@w... (David Brewer)
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 1996 09:23:09 -0500
Subject: Full Metal Anorak
In message <009ACC64.CC49BCFF.20@basil.acs.bolton.ac.uk> Adam Delafield
> Full Metal Anorak
> It's a term that I belive Mary Gentle(sp?) came up with, and which Jon
> uses to describe his opposed dice roll method.
I believe Ms. Gentle used it to describe herself. It has a self-
depreciating ring to it.
I wish she'd stop be nice about me.
> I saw someone post about this a couple of months ago on the
> group. They shut up fast when I told them a SHOCK HORROR 'SF' game had
> already done it, named it, copyrighted it, sold it.
Excellent. There's another genre for Jon to cover. Shock Horror SF.
David Brewer