A scenario for Full Thrust [Long]
From: kx.henderson@q...
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 1996 00:34:20 -0500
Subject: A scenario for Full Thrust [Long]
Well here's a scenario I've thought up, please let me know what you
think of
it. I will be playtesting it on Saturday the 20th of December at my
club meet and will let you all know how it went.
The Sa'Vasku Strike:
The Fleet Carrier "S.S. Apollo" belonging to the Mercenary Fleet "The
Sharks" has been violating U.N.S.C. order 412.45 regarding the contact
establishment of negotiations with Alien races and has been attacking
Sa-Vasku convoys passing through their local area ("The lads have gotta
something to ease their tension!"). These attacks are putting a great
strain on the Sa'Vasku's efforts to halt the invasion of Kra'Vak into
territories. During the last attack, the S.S. Apollo suffered heavy
and was forced to withdraw into an uninhabited star system for repairs.
The Sa'Vasku have pursued the Apollo into this system with a small
force to destroy the Apollo and its escorts. The crew of the Apollo
sent out a distress signal to the rest of the Desert Sharks' fleet for
support in case of attack and the "S.S. Harlock" Superdreadnaught and
supporting ships have been sent to protect the Apollo. The Sa'Vasku
found the Apollo, however, and are preparing to attack. Can the Apollo
out until reinforcements arrive or will the Sa'Vasku rid themselves of
annoyence once and for all?
2x MASS 50 Ships with 4 Drone Groups ready on each
1x MASS 44 Ship
4x MASS 16 Ships
Apollo and Escorts:
1x Fleet Carrier (the Apollo)
w/- no Screens, half Thrust, 10 points of damage and
only 4 complete fighter groups
3x Super Destroyers (the Comet, the Meteor and the Josephine.)
(These ships are from More Thrust)
1x Superdreadnaught (the Harlock)
1x Battleship (the Galaxy)
1x Strike Cruiser (the Andromeda)
2x Heavy Cruisers (the Johnson and the Jupiter)
3x Super Destroyers (the Streak, the Fireball and the Sentinel)
The Apollo is set up in the very centre of the table with the escorts
2 inches of her. The Apollo should be facing one of the long table
the other ship's facings are irrelevant. All have a starting velocity
of 0.
The Apollo may attempt to repair the screens (and any other damage) in
end phase as per normal Damage Control rolls. The Engines will be full
repaired on a D6 roll of 3+ if they take no further damage (the crew
been working on them for quite some time, hence the relative ease with
they will come back on-line).
The Sa'Vasku set up on one of the short edges of the table and enter at
velocity of 6 (this is decided by the Sa'Vasku player at the start of
game and should not be revealed to the Mercenary player).
The reinforcements will arrive at the end of turn 4 and will turn up on
of the long edges at a velocity of 4 (again this should be determined
secretly by the Mercenary player before the game begins).
Victory Conditions:
If the Sa'Vasku destroy the Apollo and manage to escape (i.e. move off
board edge they entered from) with less than 50% casualties then they
a major victory.
If the Sa'Vasku manage to destroy the Apollo and escape with 50% ormore
casualties they score a minor victory.
If the Sa'Vasku manage to cripple or destroy the Apollo without escaping
then the game is a draw.
If the Mercenary player manages to destroy the Sa'Vasku fleet, but the
Apollo is Crippled they score a minor victory.
If the Mercenary player manages to destroy the Sa'Vasku fleet or he
to get the Apollo off the opposite board edge to which the Sa'Vasku
he scores a major Victory.
Special rules:
All relavant rules from the Full Thrust and More Thrust books apply
(including Damage Control Parties, Boarding and Ramming actions, etc.)
the exceptions noted.
NO FTL maneuvers may be made on the table due to the close proximity of
battlefield to a large planet.
"Crippled" means that the FTL and Drives are destroyed with little hope
repair. (After that it really is just a matter of time, isn't it?)
Please let me know what you think.
"Pinky. Are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
"I think so Brain, but this time you
can wear the Tu-Tu! Narf!"
email: kx.henderson@qut.edu.au