FT III, the question.
From: Chad Taylor <ct454792@o...>
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 1996 01:47:50 -0500
Subject: FT III, the question.
I remember reading in my intro message from the listserv that messages
would be forwarded from the list to GZG. Keeping that in mind I hope
those people out there who are concerned with the possibility of a new
edition voice their opinion. It is the only way you have to "vote" so
speak, except of course with your pocket book: and that is far to late.
Having said that, I was thinking earlier today (it only hurt a little)
I was wondering if it might be possible for the person who runs the list
(has it changed yet?) to do a survey of the people on the list. I think
it was mentioned at one time that there were something like two hundred
people on the list and that group should give GZG some idea of what
would like to see in a new publication. That group spans several
countries and is in contact with many other players. Not a bad sample I
would think. If the Sysop is too busy maybe someone else could do it.
Just a thought.
Chad Taylor