Re: needle beam thoughts)
From: rpaul@w... (Robin Paul)
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 1996 21:20:16 -0500
Subject: Re: needle beam thoughts)
>On Tue, 3 Dec 1996 wrote:
>maybe adding a shield level isn't such a bad idea after all...
>just for my own edification, about how expensive is a "cheap" ship?
>to make sure I'm not designing expensive throw-away's...
>Brian Lojeck
If you're planning this, I reckon you'll also need something a bit
than an escort to occupy your opponent's attention- perhaps a well
capital to lumber about looking threatening while your needle ships run
I think most experienced players would tend to go for escorts early on
get "cheap kills". Needles have a pretty high probability of complete
failure- even 6 aimed at a single target have about a 1/3 chance of
it operational (assuming my 2am maths is right!). The best plan would
perhaps be to try and damage the engines of a major unit, so that the
maneuvres of the whole enemy fleet would be constrained by having to
it, or risk destruction in detail.
I hate statistics
I hate caterpillars
I hate writing up
I'm going home
Rob Paul
Rob Paul
NERC Institute of Virology
Mansfield Road, Oxford OX1 3SR Tel. (01865) 512361
"Once again, villainy is rotting meat before the maggots of justice!"