Escort Agility (was Re: Beam Weapons)
From: PsyWraith@a...
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 1996 10:16:53 -0500
Subject: Escort Agility (was Re: Beam Weapons)
One way that my group has gone about encouraging the use of B- and
beam weapons (and to give the ESCORT range ships a break) is the
Escort Agility: Any ship in the ESCORT-range with an effective Thrust
of 6+
is considered to have Screen-1 vs. A-Batteries. If the ship is already
screened then add 1 level to it's effective total.
This rule reflects that it is harder to bring heavy anti-ship batteries
bear on small, agile ships. Now CAPTIALs will need to take some
B-batt's to
keep the little guys from picking them apart. C-batt's still prove
useful by
providing supplemental PDAF functions.
Morgul, aka Morgan Keyes
Sine Pari
Airborne All The Way!