Re: "Realistic" Systems Ideas
From: "<Mark Andrew Siefert>" <cthulhu@c...>
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 1996 17:51:05 -0500
Subject: Re: "Realistic" Systems Ideas
On Thu, 31 Oct 1996, Mike Miserendino wrote:
> joachim wrote:
> >@:) If the total of the Sensor roll is greater than the ECM roll,
> >@:) the player can shoot at that ship. If it is equal or lower, then
> >@:) the defending unit is safe. A ship can attempt to illuminate the
> >@:) ship again but it must have a free and working fire-con.
> >
> > This is good, but will require a lot of work. What might work
> >better would be to have a roll to target the ship - and once it's
> >targeted have it remain shootable for the remainder of the scenario.
> If it is shootable the remainder of the scenario, what's painting it?
> same firecon? If the firecon establishes a new target next turn or
> hand off the target data to another ship, the lock would be lost. I
> the idea of rolling for each shot for realism. BTW fine job on the
> Mark. I think I'll give it a try soon.
You also have to remeber that a crafty starship driver can
his ECM and re-establish jamming....
Thanks for the comments Mike. I am HTMLizing the rules and
adding a few more ideas. BTW does anyone know where I can find some
pictures of space ships that fit the "near future" genre? (You know,
clunky and modular with fusion torch engines and SDI style weapons.)
Mark A. Siefert
E-MAIL: cthulhu@csd.uwm edu WWW:
DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed here are solely those of the
who doesn't care whether or not you think he is a right wing nut.
forgive any spelling and/or grammatical errors for he is also a victim
the American public education system.