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Re: Re: Re ( how many Re:s I don't Know) Lag....

From: CMitch5046@a...
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 16:50:49 -0500
Subject: Re: Re: Re ( how many Re:s I don't Know) Lag....

By all means use 'slow' light speed limited detectors whenever you come
against any of my fleets. Personally my ancestors developed tachyon beam
communications when they started to explore the galaxy in slower than
generation ships and didn't like the idea of waiting years for a reply
their 'conversations' .!! Once we developed FTL drives the development
of FTL
detectors became essential. ( It's not very pleasant to detect a planet
running into it at relativistic velocities - The crew don't know
about it but would you volunteer to join a ship that can't see where it
going! and besides it plays havoc with the economy!!! ). To avoid this
developed a detector similar in principle to your prehistoric radar but
tachyon technology (you may wish to call it TADAR ). Even our slow
recreationhal yachts use such beams travelling at speeds several
orders of magnitude faster than light. This means we can target our
knowing exactly where you will be when our weapons hit ( after all our
military sensors are even faster than the recreational ones !!!!) How
many G
acceleration do you need to pull to avoid this even at extreme AA
range in a scout ship (5m diameter) ? Effectively this means detection
firing are instantaneous. OK you may still make the manouvre ( and
survive )
as quantum effects do still occur. Actually beam dispersion by space
dust is
a much more likely reason for such misses.

Antiquities Officer - Anthropology Section 
United Spaceways Research Vessel #28745764-067
Fleet Officer Captain Craig Mitchell Commanding USS Proteus

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