Re: B5 Wars Info...
From: Martin Connell <martyc@h...>
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 1996 16:21:44 -0400
Subject: Re: B5 Wars Info...
> > Mark A. Siefert wrote:
> > > It all depends on what you want. If you want a detailed system
> > >of space combat then B5 Wars may be your system. If you want
something a
> > >little more abstract then sitck to Full Thrust. As for me, I can
> > >both ways.
> >
> > I hope your girlfriend knows about this! ;)
> Gina is a very understanding and progressive woman. She can
> understand if I choose to spend some time with another game system.
> She not a prude or anything ;-)
You're lucky! She has not yet realized that your inability to "settle
down" with *one* game system clearly foreshadows your inevitable
betrayal of your relationship with her. Why this *resistance* to
*Making A Commitment* to ONE game system? How was your relationship
with your mother? How did potty training go? You probably have
so many unresolved issues from childhood that not only do you
stray from one game system, you probably are not content to play
games IN JUST ONE GENRE! Not happy with a few SF systems, I bet there's
a dirty little fantasy game in the back of your closet, now isn't there?
Or perhaps some retched historical simulation under the bed!
Please Mr.Siefert, seek help NOW! Sure, it seems like it's a harmless
pastime. but it is symptomatic of the deterioration of Western
as we know it!
Deepest sympathies,
# CompuServe:73267,3607
# Martin Connell Northern New Jersey, USA
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