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RE: FW: E-mailvirus!

From: Adam Delafield <A.Delafield@b...>
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 1996 03:58:28 -0400
Subject: RE: FW: E-mailvirus!

Date sent:  17-OCT-1996 08:48:59 

>>>The bottom line is:	- if you receive a file with the subject line
>>>"Good Times", delete it  immediately! Do not read it"  Rest assured
>>>that whoever' name was on the  "From" line was surely struck by the
>>>virus. Warn your friends and  local system users of this newest
>>>to the Internet! It could save them a lot of time and money.


Don't worry folks, it's a fake. Same as it was a couple of months ago,
and a few months before that, and a few months before that and .....

Be warned though that with the advent of 'intelligent' mailers, and with

the potential for Macro viruses, such an innocuous E-mail virus may well
be in development. Rest assured however that text based mail systems
will always be safe, and the virus will not be called 'Good Times'.

It is already practical, in theory at least, to include a virus on a
Web Page.

| Adam Delafield, I.T. Officer	      | Bolton Institute,  |
| #include "witty_saying"	      | Eagle Tower,	   |
| E-mail :	      | College Way,	   |
| Phone  : +44 1204 528851 (ext 3163) | Bolton, UK.	   |
| Fax	 : +44 1204 399074	      | BL3 5AE.	   |

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