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Re: greetings!

From: thomas.granvold@E... (Tom Granvold)
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 17:15:43 -0400
Subject: Re: greetings!

Brian Lojeck asked:

> 2: I AM in the midst of preparing for my first dirtside II game.
anyone do
> any work transfering Epic Ork's into a dirtside II warband?

     There has been some discussion of this in the past, though most of
it concerned using Space Marines in Dirtside II.  I barely have time to
play Full Thrust, so I havn't looked at Dirtside II.

> 3: is full thrust worth it?

     Well, if you like miniatures battles between spaceships, a game
that moves quickly, and having good tactics determine the winner instead
of knowledge of the rules, then you'll like Full Thrust.  It is a great
game and can be adapted easily.  My favorite is using Full Thrust in the
Babylon 5 universe.

Tom Granvold				<>

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