Re: What makes a carrier, a carrier?
From: Mike Miserendino <phddms1@c...>
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 17:21:31 -0400
Subject: Re: What makes a carrier, a carrier?
Oerjan Ohlson wrote:
>However, you'd be very hard pressed to get more than one fighter bay
>an escort-sized hull, so escort-sized micro-carriers don't need the
>classification as 'carrier'. The only thing that classification does it
>to allow launch of two fighter squadrons per turn, and if you only have
I thought Pete's question might be why the rules did not allow using
fighters on ships smaller than capital. You are right about the benefit
calling a ship a carrier to launch up to two groups per turn. This
appropriate with capital size ships since they would likely have more
facilities to perform such functions(e.g. more launch bays, etc.).
Mike Miserendino