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Re: FT3, details of needed changes

From: jjm@z... (johnjmedway)
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 12:43:03 -0400
Subject: Re: FT3, details of needed changes

>>  Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 14:00:00 -0400
>>  From: Alexander Williams <>
>>  Subject: Re: FT3, details of needed changes
>>  Maybe its just me, but I'm a hesitant fellow to make `how fast it
>>  go' cost determined by the `mass' of vehicle its mounted on, for
>>  and a handfull of other reasons.  How much the /drive/ masses is
>>  related, and that much mass will cost different amount for larger
>>  but adding in some kind of sliding scale starts getting just a bit
>>  points niggly for me.

Isn't there already a sliding scale? Though in reverse?

>>  I might build a 6 Thrust dreadnaught, but it should be
>>  I think.

My argument is that it shouldn't be any more points-intensive than 2 
ships os half its size added together.

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