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Re: Traveller

From: mllaneza@s... (Michael Carter Llaneza)
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 11:37:36 -0400
Subject: Re: Traveller

> Martin ??? wrote:
> >YehSomeone has done it before! A couple of years back a friend and I
> >involved in a Traveller campaign (he was Gming it in fact) and we
>wanted a
> >quick way to resolve ship to ship combat, being none too enamoured
> >the "official" Striker rules.
> There was a fair amount of discussion on this subject on this list
> recently. Check out the archives on Jerry Hans Web page.

I have some of the relevant mail archived on my home machine, no - it's
not on the web I'm afraid. Drop me a note if you'd like to see the
discussion online.

> >So we set about converting Full Thrust and it seemed to work quite
> >I'll dig the rules out and post them if you like. The only problem
>we had
> >was in trying to work out combat between ships of widely ranging
>size, but
> >sinceour role-playing group only ever came across the smaller ships
> >ignored this (the problem of hugely differing sized ships) and said
>if the
> >situation came up we'd role-play it! Bit of a cop out I know but
> >really well. Even had rules for Zhodani psychers to try and intervene
> >ship to ship combat (bit like B5 eh!).
> I'm sure a lot of people here would be interested to see your rules,
> Martin, please.

I'd like to see the rules too. It was the vast disparity in ship sizes
that really made the Traveller conversion difficult. My approach was to
pick a representative ship and make the rules work for that ship and
others within an order of magnitude (by size/weapon kit). This gets the
job done without Mass 1000 Superships at the Capital Ship end of the

> >Cheers
> >Martin
> Mike Elliott

Michael Carter Llaneza
Veteran, Bermuda Triangle Expeditionary Force, 1991-1950
Devolution is very real to me.

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