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RE: stargrunt

From: Oerjan Ohlson <f92-ooh@n...>
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 10:09:30 -0400
Subject: RE: stargrunt

On Wed, 25 Sep 1996, Adam Delafield wrote:

> If you close assault a tank in SG2, it will run you over and squish
> What you can do is conduct firing from point blank range. (Does anyone
> know of a real life example of close assault on a modern tank? I

How about running up behind it to place grenades in its voonerables...?
Dunno if it'd work against modern tanks, but it worked well for Finnish 
troops during WW2...

Oerjan Ohlson

"Father, what is wrong?"
"My shoes are too tight. But it does not matter, because
 I have forgotten how to dance."
- Londo Mollari

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