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Re: Scale of FT models

From: Rick Rutherford <rickr@d...>
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 13:40:31 -0400
Subject: Re: Scale of FT models

On Mon, 23 Sep 1996, Mike Miserendino wrote:
> Geo-Hex has posted 1/2000 scale for the FT line.  I find this scale
> the ships too small.	1/2400 scale or smaller, seems more in line with
> size of the ships.

I agree -- with 1/2400 scale models, the little 1-inch long corvettes
be 200 feet long "in real life," and that fits my impression of the
relative size of the ships.

Rick Rutherford	    The above opinions are mine.
"It seems to me that the nearer painting approaches sculpture the better
it is, and that sculpture is the worse the nearer it approaches
					     -- Michelangelo

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