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RE: Disaster!!!

From: ngilsena@i...
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 06:45:49 -0400
Subject: RE: Disaster!!!

> Date: 	 Mon, 23 Sep 1996 09:08:34 +0100
> From: 	 Adam Delafield <>
> Reply-to:
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject:	 RE: Disaster!!!

> Date sent:  23-SEP-1996 09:06:51 
> >Z'ha'dum was happily showing away on my tv and next thing half the
> >network in Dublin died.  There haven't been such screams of anguish
> >here for a long time.  Every B5 lunatic over here began calling
> >else to see if someone still had a reception.  
> >This has been the stuff of nightmares...
> I suppose this is a trawler to see if some kind soul (like me) videoed
> the ep. You do have a VHS recorder?
> +-------------------------------------+--------------------+
> | Adam Delafield, I.T. Officer	| Bolton Institute,  |

Many thanks Adam but I managed to find someone who had taped it.
Great episode.	

It was a horrific experience though.  My own personal view is that it 
was a secret plot by paramount in their continuing efforts to stop 
B5's success.  Why do I think this? 

The reception came back in time for DS9 on Sky.  

My apologies to anyone if I spoiled anything by mentioning the 
episode title.
Niall Gilsenan
Dublin Institute of Technology,
Cathal Brugha St,

Prev: RE: Disaster!!! Next: RE: B5 SPOILER WARNING!!!!! ("Disaster!" and "B5 322")