Re: New Irregular Miniature Ships (UK)
From: Ludo Toen <Ludo.Toen@p...>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 07:44:34 -0400
Subject: Re: New Irregular Miniature Ships (UK) wrote:
> Has anyone bought or seen at a WG show the new Irregular Miniatures
range of
> star ships? In Miniature Wargames this month there is a big list with
about 4
> races and all the main ship classes. I have the old ships from IM and
they are a
> bit sucky. Anyone got a review of the new stuff? Or is it blind faith
> (again).
> Tim Jones
I remember someone posting a message stating that he had seen (bought)
some of the new Ireegular ships and that at least some resembled ST
style ships (warp nacelles etc) and were a lot better than the old ones.
I saw their ad in the latest Miniature wargames and order a few. I hope
to get them about this time next week, the guys at Irregular are pretty
fast on mail order.
I'll let you guys know when I get them
BTW I ordered a Nimitz class Heavy carrier, the most expensive ship in
the new range at £2.10