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Re: [DSII] Online Conversion?

From: Alexander Williams <thantos@a...>
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 1996 16:05:11 -0400
Subject: Re: [DSII] Online Conversion? wrote:
> BTW, I would vote for units belonging to specific players.  I would
> think chaos would quickly result if anyone on a side could move any
> unit.

The problem with this is (a) getting enough players together for a
large-scale game, (b) deciding who gets to run the Command/Arty Unit,
and (c) what happens if someone loses connection, whatnot.

My prelim thoughts were to basically allow anyone on a side move any of
their Units, but let the players/scenario `assign' (non-codedly) the
Units to players.

Alexander Williams {   ||"Quiet, Mal! Can't you}    || see I'm Creating!?"
============================================//	       -- Dr Blight

"Perhaps we should lower our mental trousers and compare the size of
 our consciousnesses?"
				       -- Jan Sands to Marvin Minsky

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