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Re: Tours

From: "Nick Meredith" <nickm@d...>
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 1996 12:17:29 -0400
Subject: Re: Tours

On  2 Sep 96 at 10:18, wrote:

> "You should try it on an SSG, as opposed to an SSN. The smell of the
> comes out after a few months on shore. Sorta."
>   Yuck.
> "Only for a few minutes. Roomy. Luxury. Ever been on an Oberon? A Type
> Or, Godde Forbidde, a Type 206? See, I used to work for the makers of
> on the d*mn things..."
>   Been on a 206 as one of those goodwill ambassador type things while
we were
> in Norway earlier this year.	Not pleasant.
>   It's interesting how the "roomy, luxury" scale varies.  I've had
> squids come down to my humble 709 and say it's the worst thing they've
> been on.  Now there's luxury, a 726 class SSBN...

Anyone yet been on a Foxtrot - now there's rocket science (not). At 
92 metres it's large for a conventional - but I don't think I'd havce 
enjoyed staying on her for too long.
Nick Meredith - - Coventry, UK

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