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Re: Real Life Thrust (was: hyperspace)

From: Mike Miserendino <phddms1@c...>
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 1996 14:07:22 -0400
Subject: Re: Real Life Thrust (was: hyperspace)

Binhan wrote:
>You could always try the ram-scoop method - giant magnetic fields that 
>sweep matter into your ship.  The faster you go, the more matter you
>scoop up.  Interstellar space may not be particularly thick, but if 
>you're going a significant fraction of light and have ram scoops a
>of kilometers wide you should be able to pick up a bunch of matter, 
>mostly hydrogen.

Ah, the Bussard ram scoop idea, sorta like a giant spider web.	Such a
always seems so frail and subject to damage.  With scoops a few kms wide
go fishing for Kra'Vak!  I knew someone would find a way to deal with
little buggers. ;)

Mike Miserendino

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