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Re: Some SGII questions

From: burg@e... (Iceburg)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 1996 17:43:54 -0400
Subject: Re: Some SGII questions

Thanks for all the answers to my questions. I would also think that a
can only fire once per turn, not per activation, but I wanted to know
the general concensous (how do you spell that?) was.

I thought of two other questions:

1. Why use the red chits with the black skulls to mark killed figures,
not just take them off the table? I can't find anywhere in the rules
they have any impact. For confidence tests, killed figures don't count
wounded when left behind.

2. If a unit if fired on for the first time in the game and the leader
does it have to take 3 confidence tests? (One for being suppressed, one
taking a casualty and one for losing the squad leader.)

>Hey, does anyone out there allow a single squad to activate more than 
>twice in a single turn?  i.e., a squad activates, then a leader
>and re-activatest he squad, then the leader uses its section action to 
>re-activate the squad a third time?  We haven't allowed this, but I'm
>sure if the rules specifically make it impossible or not.

I figured a squad could only be "re-activated" once per turn. Otherwise,
with "high command" on the table, a squad could move 3 or 4 times!!


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