Re: SAAB hits the can.
From: PsyWraith@a...
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 1996 10:18:45 -0400
Subject: Re: SAAB hits the can.
In a message dated 96-08-15 10:04:00 EDT, you write:
>> Date sent: 15-AUG-1996 14:36:08
>> Yes folks. The second season of SAAB has been canceled.
>Svenska Aeroplan AB? Didn't know their cars sold that badly <g>
>Seriously, though: what does this SAAB stand for?
>Oerjan Ohlson
SAAB=Space Above And Beyond. An attempt to create a gritty, military-SF
show here in the States. Writers seemed to get lazy and fell jack to
plot devices of US Marines and "Torch-Jockeys" (aka fighter pilots). As
have read, the show was cancelled. More agnst-driven then by a sensible
plot, usually ended in neatly tied episodes, and had all the military
research and sense of someone who got their military expertise by going
to the video store and renting every Golan-Globus action movies
(producers of
the laughable films Delta Force 1 & 2, and the Missing in Action-series,
amoung others). Concept: Noble. Execution: Poor. Creativity: Nil.
Results: Cancelled, despite rapid "fanboy/girl" howls of indignation
then again, they were more into the "90210/Melrose Place-esque" agnst of
characters and shouted down any attempt by critics who suggested changes
pointed out errors/plot holes/research failings, even if these
were meant to improve the show). Ah well. B5 survives and with it the
of future prime-time SF series other then the Trek-based ones.
Morgul, aka Morgan Keyes
Sine Pari
Airborne All The Way!