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Re: cloaking device rules

From: tblazer@e... (Christepher A. McKenney)
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 1996 11:18:12 -0400
Subject: Re: cloaking device rules

>Back from the woods, time to learn how to use a fork again...:
>> the Klink Gunnery Officer was surprised himself by
>> the suddenly close Freddie ship and faltered at the controls; I trust
that he
>> had been executed and banished as appropriate to one of his fallen
>	Once, during a Star Fleet Battles game, a Klingon player
>marked off crew hits whenever he rolled spectacularly bad. He did more
>damage to himself that way than anyone managed to do to him.
>The first evidence of any programming language's utility is the number
>of card games written in that language.
>Robert Crawford

I had a couple of friends (and I picked up the habit too) that did this.


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