Re: Mudside Thrust, or GZG meets ACW
From: "Joseph A. Noll" <u1a00458@m...>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 1996 19:27:15 -0400
Subject: Re: Mudside Thrust, or GZG meets ACW
Larry I'm intrested, being a historical wargamer at heart I too have
trying to find a good ACW naval system. I play Ironclads (Yaquinto) but
find it also to be too chart intensive. So I would like to see your FT
conversion. Sounds Interesting!!!
> From: Larry Enoch <mci3@CLASS.ORG>
> To:
> Subject: Mudside Thrust, or GZG meets ACW
> Date: Monday, August 12, 1996 9:40 PM
> Having absolutely nothing better to do on my commute home, I was
> daydreaming about my Thoroughbred Miniatures ACW Ironclads, bemoaning
> fact that Excalibur's Ironclads rules are very chart intensive, and
> wondering if there was any way to make a simpler ironclad game. Then
> hit me.... Not to long ago somebody posted wet navy rules for the
> Napoleonic era... why not for ACW.... After a bit of mulling, I took
> mixture of statistics from Ironclads, added armor and size rules from
> Dirtside II, threshold and SSD rules from Full Thrust and Shazam....
> We played a brief scenario.... It seems to work....... If anyone is
> interested, I'll put the conversions and an ssd on my page.
> Larry Enoch
> Larry Enoch |"Any opinions expressed are my