Re: Star Wars Models ...
From: Darren Douglas <ddouglas@v...>
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 1996 12:12:54 -0400
Subject: Re: Star Wars Models ...
> >
> The feel is very much different. In capital ship combat, the ships
> slowly (well, all things are relative), and the various captains have
> time to plan their manouvres. Fighter pilots have to react _NOW_ or
> they're dead. What made Star Fighter take so long to play was that
> everyone wanted to optimize their manouvers - ie, they planned ahead,
> ahead. That's all very fine when you're preparing to attack a capital
> unit, but you can't stop each five seconds in the middle of a dogfight
> consider your next move for five minutes...
> Oerjan Ohlson
I hate to mention a game from GW !!!!!. But I liked the way
space hulk (version 1). LImited the time you had for each move. This
got less when officers and the serg's where killed.
You could do the same in fighter combat, with better pilots getting
longer etc. If the next move/order is not ready in the time limit the
last could be repeated or the fighter flies straight ahead.