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Re: Cry from space (models)

From: Oerjan Ohlson <f92-ooh@n...>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 14:20:51 -0400
Subject: Re: Cry from space (models)

On Tue, 6 Aug 1996, Mike Miserendino wrote:

> Someone wrote:
> >the NSL Battleship has 5 pieces, the 2 main structures are pretty
> >obvious on putting them toghether and the bridge is simple to but
> >those 2 extra bits have me puzzled ( the long wing bit and the hull 
> >section ) 
> >From the cheesy diagram thrown in the package it appears that the
> square plate attaches to the upper starboard side of the engine block
> the longer length running vertically.  Also, the wing bit is shown
> to the bottom  side of the front block.  
> If you mount the wing thing on any on the ships as shown, you might as
> keep a spare superglue nearby.  The wing hovers slighty above the flat
of a
> standard Geo-Hex base or flying base.  It might be recommended to cut
> wing or mount it somewhere else.
> >the NSL Escourt Cruiser has a small long thin bit apart from the 
> >bridge, where does this long thin bit fit into the scene of things..
> Funny, I didn't have one with mine.  Are you sure it was the CE?  Mine
> just a solid lump of metal.  Of course this could be the long stem on
> CE's nose that just came separated on yours.
My CEs certainly had bridges. Of course, my BB had only 4 (or was it 3?)

pieces, and no assembly instruction whatsoever...

Oerjan Ohlson

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