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Re: Computer Campaign Helper...

From: schoon@a... (Sean Bayan Schoonmaker)
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 1996 21:59:25 -0400
Subject: Re: Computer Campaign Helper...

>I was wondering if there is anyone out there who knows of a
>program that assists two or more players in a Full Thrust
>CAMPAIGN.  Specifically, I'm looking for a program that will
>keep track of the fleets of each player such that movement
>on the campaign map is hidden.  I'm also looking for a program
>that monitors each systems resources, and R&D advancements
>and the like so that you can start with small, less technologically
>advanced designs and work up to the more advanced systems.
>I know there are no rules in the FT/MT books covering R&D and
>system resources.  I was wondering if anyone out there has written,
>or tried to write a computer program that does something similar
>to the above.
>P.S. If there isn't one out there then I guess I should start work
>     on it, huh. ;)

I'm currently working on Filemaker 3.0 documents that should do just
but they've still got a ways to go before they'll be complete.


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